
How Are Your Fundraising Domino Dollars Falling?


Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025


14:00 America/New York

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How are your fundraising dominoes falling? Do they help or hurt your fundraising efforts?
Using this analogy George Franco, The Good News Auctioneer,  let's visualize the key concepts for a successful fundraiser.
  • High top tables or round tables?
  • Fundraising software or other methods?
  • Timing & energy production: Fundraising earlier or later in the evening?
  • Clearing tables or not during fundraising?
  • Centerpieces, tall or short?
  • Slideshow or not?
George brings his storytelling and experience to share with us so you can make sure the dominos and dollars fall the right way for your next event and auction fundraiser

Laurie | Auctria

Welcome to Auctria. I have lots of secrets to share to make your event fundraiser soar. Reach me by email at hello@auctria.com.