
Unlocking the Potential of Video for Your Organization: Hush Videos that turn into Donations


Среда, 23 Октября 2024

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Jason Ellinger, Founder Beard & Bowler

MASTER STORYTELLER. We love our work & we take pride in the organizations & the people we represent. We started this company to make positive “ding” in the universe & our society’s culture. If you aren’t moved by what you are watching, then we have failed.

Программа мероприятия


Video production for your organization and event fundraiser is no longer a luxury, it's ESSENTIAL 

Jason From Beard & Bowler will share his 7 secrets starting with


Every story needs a problem. If there’s no conflict, no protagonist, no steps to resolution, there’s no story. We all learned that in high school literature class, but sometimes in the process of our own marketing campaigns, we bury ourselves in the minutia and lose sight of the bigger picture.

Laurie | Auctria

Welcome to Auctria. I have lots of secrets to share to make your event fundraiser soar. Reach me by email at hello@auctria.com.